What's New In FormEncode 2.0 ============================ This article explains the latest changes in `FormEncode` version 2.0 compared to its predecessor, `FormEncode` version 1.3. 2.1.0 ----- - Add support for Python 3.7 to 3.12, end support for older Python versions - Context.set() now works as a context manager - Fix binary of swedish translation - Some internal code cleanup and modernization 2.0.1 ----- - Add support for Python 3.10 - use Pytest instead of Nose and GitHub Actions instead of Travis for tests - Documentation updates - Note this will be the last version to support Python 2. The next version will be 2.1.0 to signal this change. For compatibility with older Python versions, please use versions < 2.1. 2.0.0 ----- - `FormEncode` can now run on Python 3.6 and higher without needing to run 2to3 first. - `FormEncode` 2.0 is no longer compatible with Python 2.6 and 3.2 to 3.5. For compatibility with older Python versions, please use versions < 1.3. - This will be the last major version to support Python 2. - Add strict flag to ``USPostalCode`` to raise error on postal codes that has too many digits instead of just truncating - Various Python 3 fixes - Serbian latin translation - Changed License to MIT - Dutch, UK, Greek and South Korean postal code format fixes - Add postal code formats for Switzerland, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, San Marino, Ukraine and Vatican City. - Add ISODateTimeConverter validator - Add ability to target ``htmlfill`` to particular form or ignore a form - Fix format errors in some translations - The version of the library can be checked using ``formencode.__version__``